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27L Electric Bath Canner

  • 2024-03-27


Bath canning can be used to preserve high-acid foods (pH must be 4.6 or lower), such as apples and peaches, as well as foods with added acid such as pickles and salsa. This bath can hold 8 quart-sized jars, 11 pint jars or 14 jelly jars. During bath caning, jars are submerged in boiling water for a prescribed amount of time (minimum of 10 minutes: follow your recipe instructions).

Bath caning is not suitable for low acid foods including un-pickled vegetables, and meat. These require pressure canning to ensure food safety.


  • Built-in spigot for easy draining
  • Includes canning rack
  • Can be set between 120° to 212° F (boil) / 49° to 100° C
  • Stainless steel pot, polypropylene lid and rack
SKU: 160150-003 Categories: ,


SKU# 160150-003
Temperature range /

Echelle de température

 49 → 100°C (120 → 212°F)
Heating Power Range /

Puissance de chauffe

1500 Watts
Overall dimensions /

Dimensions hors-tout

17.75” dia X 19”H
Weight / Poids 10 lbs
Power / Alimentation 115V/60Hz

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