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Flushing oil, 1QT

  • 2017-10-05


To clean your vaccum sealer pump.

Add flushing oil until the level is at the half-way mark on the sight glass. Replace fill cap. 

Run the pump by either opening and closing the lid, or manually pressing the micro switch located at the back right of the chamber. 

After 25-30 cycles, the pump should be warm and the oil should have been circulated through out. The more cycles ran, the better the oil can flush the moving parts of the pump. 

If the flushing oil becomes thick or milky during this process, please drain and refill with new flushing oil. Once the flushing oil that is drained after completing a flush looks similar to the oil that was added, it is more than likely clean. 

SKU: 150110-901 Categories: ,



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Weight 5 kg

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