Lallemand LALCULT, Peperoni HT-01, 15g
- 2022-04-06
Application: fast acidification, color and flavor enhancement
The Peperoni HT-01 is used to make fermented dry salami products. The pediococcus acidilactici it contains is known to deliver quick acidification
When added to your process these freeze-dried cultures will acidify the meat mix in the first stage of the dry fermented sausage making. This will:
- Improve the meat coagulation
- Facilitate the water loss during drying
- Control the environment by inhibiting the growth of undesirable mold flora and other contaminants.
The cultures will contribute to flavor formation as their lipolytic and proteolytic activities release flavor compounds.
>Dosage per Kg of meat: 0.15g / Kg
>Dextrose required per Kg of meat: 5 → 8g
>Fermentation Temperature: 37° → 45°C for 16 → 24 hours
>Fermentation required humidity: 90 → 95% RH
>Drying/curing procedure: Maintain a temperature of 12° to 16°C @ ±80% RH until 30% weight loss is achieved
Storage: Freezer – 18 °C (0 °F)
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