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Japanese Knives

Japanese knives, hones and accessories

Japanese knives are some of the best chef knives around, and are favored by many professional chefs. They are renowned for their high quality steel that is heat treated for superior hardness. They can take keener edges and acute bevel angles. Japanese knives benefit from proper technique when used, and with appropriate care they can provide unparalled service to both the seasoned professional chef and the keen enthusiast home cook.

Shun and Tojiro knives
We have selected 2 japanese brands that we believe offer the sharpest tools for your money. Looking after your japaenese knives is essential, so we also have sharpening supplies and accessories that will help you keep your blades in perfect condition. Contact us for specials or visit our showroom where we have a wide range of chef knives on display.

Testek Instruments quality
Testek Instruments offers a range of equipment and tools for use in modern cooking techniques and molecular cuisine. We select the best products from the finest brands from all around the world. Our corporate chef Yan Garzon extensively tests and uses all of the products we sell so you can be assured of only finding the best products at Testek Instruments.